
An Overview of Dota 2’s Ranking System

Dota 2 uses a ranking system to match players of equal skill levels. Your ranking is determined by your matchmaking rating or MMR, which goes up or down based on whether you win or lose matches.

MMR and Medals

MMR is a number that represents your relative skill level. The higher your MMR, the more skilled you are. MMR is used to determine your medal, which is the visual representation of your rank. Medals range from Herald to Immortal, with Immortal being the highest.

Calibration Matches

When you first start playing ranked matches, you must complete 10 calibration matches. These matches determine your initial MMR and medal. Your performance in these matches is critical, so play your best heroes and try to win as many as possible.

Ranked Matches

Once calibrated, you can play an unlimited number of ranked matches. Winning increases your MMR and losing decreases it. As your MMR changes, your medal may also increase or decrease. The system matches you with players that have a similar MMR so matches are challenging but still winnable.

Seasons and Resets

Dota 2’s ranking system operates on six-month seasons. At the end of each season, your MMR and medal are reset. You must complete another set of calibration matches to determine your new rank for the next season. Season resets give you a chance to re-calibrate at a higher or lower rank based on how much you have improved. dota-2-ranks-mmr.webp

Dota 2’s ranking system ensures you are matched with players of equal skill. By continually winning ranked matches, you can increase your MMR, earn a higher medal, and prove you belong at a higher skill bracket. Keep practicing, focus on improving, and climb the ranks!

Understanding MMR and How It Works

Your Matchmaking Rating or MMR is a number that quantifies your skill level in Dota 2. The higher your MMR, the more skilled you are considered to be. MMR is calculated based on the outcome of your ranked matches, adjusting up or down after each game depending on whether you won or lost.

How MMR Changes

Winning ranked matches will increase your MMR, while losing them decreases it. The amount it changes depends on the MMR of your teammates and opponents. Beating a team with a higher average MMR gains you more points, while losing to a lower MMR team costs you more. The matchmaking system uses MMR to create fair matches, pitting teams of roughly equal average MMR against each other.

Seasonal MMR Reset

MMR is reset at the start of each new ranking season. Your new seasonal MMR is seeded from your previous seasonal MMR, so you’ll still be matched with players of similar skill. Resetting MMR at the start of each season gives you a chance to re-calibrate your ranking and achieve a higher MMR by winning most of your placement matches.

Medals vs MMR

Medals in Dota 2 represent your highest rank tier achieved for the season, not your current MMR. Once you achieve a medal, it won’t decrease for the rest of the season. MMR, on the other hand, can go up and down with each win or loss. Your medal only updates if your MMR increases enough to reach the next medal tier. So you can have an Ancient medal but an MMR in the Legend range if you’ve lost enough ranked matches.

In the end, focusing on self-improvement and teamwork will serve you far better on the path to raising your MMR and achieving a higher medal than obsessing over arbitrary numbers. Play to learn, strengthen your skills, and become a better Dota player. Higher ranks and rewards will follow in time.


Medals: What Do They Mean and How to Rank Up

So you’ve started playing Dota 2 ranked games and have been awarded a medal to show for your efforts. But what do these medals actually mean? And how can you rank up to the next medal?

Herald – The Starting Point

When you first start playing ranked, you’ll be given the Herald medal. This is the initial rank for all new players. By winning ranked games, you’ll quickly progress to higher medals.

Guardians – Improving Your Skills

As you get better at Dota, you’ll advance to the Guardian ranks. This shows you have a basic understanding of the game and heroes. Focus on learning key skills like last hitting, warding, and team coordination. With practice, you’ll rise to the Crusader medal.

Crusaders & Archons – Refining Your Technique

At the Crusader and Archon ranks, you have the basics down but need to refine your technique. Work on counter-picking enemy heroes, roaming to help your team, and shot calling. Step up your mechanical skills and map awareness too. Before you know it, you’ll achieve the Legend medal.

Legends & Ancients – Strategic Thinking

Reaching the Legend and Ancient medals means you’re playing at a highly strategic level. Coordinate ganks, push timings, and Roshan attempts with your team. Draft solid lineups and counter your opponents. Play selflessly by creating space for your cores and ensuring their farm. Think several steps ahead of the enemy to outmaneuver them. With strong strategy and leadership, the Divine rank awaits!

The key to progressing is focusing on self-improvement, teamwork, and strategic thinking. Learn from your losses, follow the latest meta, and maintain a positive attitude. With diligent practice, you’ll climb the ranks and join the Dota 2 elite!

Rank Tiers in Dota 2 Explained

Dota 2 ranks players into seven main tiers based on their matchmaking rating (MMR) and skill. As you win games, your MMR increases and you advance to higher ranks. Lose games, and your MMR decreases, which can drop you down to lower ranks.


The lowest tier, Herald ranks make up about 10% of the player base. This is where new players start, learning mechanics and gaining experience. With enough wins, you’ll quickly move up from Herald.

Guardian Guardian is the second tier, consisting of average casual players and those still learning. About 15% of players are in Guardian. With practice and game knowledge, climbing to Crusader and Archon is achievable.

Crusader and Archon

Crusader and Archon contain 30% of players. Skill and game sense start improving in these ranks. Players have a grasp of strategy, mechanics, and team play. However, there are still many areas that could use refinement.


Legend is the tier where players show competency across all areas of Dota. About 25% of players achieve Legend rank, demonstrating strong skill, knowledge, and the ability to influence matches. At this point, you have a good chance of progressing to Ancient and perhaps even Divine.

Ancient and Divine

Ancient and Divine make up 15% of the top players. These ranks indicate very high skill and the ability to compete at an amateur competitive level. Players understand advanced mechanics, have expert game knowledge, and work well with their team. Reaching Immortal from here is challenging but achievable for the most dedicated.

Climbing ranks in Dota 2 requires patience, practice, and persistence. Focus on improving your skills, learning from losses, and maintaining a positive mindset. With time and effort, you’ll advance to higher tiers and become a formidable player. Use tools like Dota 2’s stats page to track your progress and see where you can improve. Stay determined, keep playing, and your MMR will rise over time.