The 5 Best Gods in SMITE 2
The 5 Best Gods in SMITE 2
SMITE 2 is finally playable 24/7 and with a limited roster of Gods. Let's take a look at who the best Gods on the SMITE 2 alpha are shaping up to be. For the last 10 or so years, SMITE has managed to be the only MOBA to stay alive and be successful for an extended period of time instead of being curb-stomped by the big boys (League of Legends and Dota 2). After 10 seasons of SMITE, HiRez has finally decided to go for the full upgrade with a sequel. SMITE 2 has been in early alpha testing for most of 2024, and recently went into it's 24/7 phase where it's playable at all times rather than just on certain testing weekends. The balancing of the Gods at this stage of development doesn't really mean much in the grand scheme of things, but for players looking to try out the best Gods in SMITE 2 during the alpha, this list is a great place to start.
1. Ymir
Ymir is one of the most iconic Gods in all of SMITE. It's fitting that he would go into SMITE 2 in a powerful state. Crowd control is a powerful part of SMITE and even with SMITE 2's design, it can still be strong. Ymir also currently scales incredibly with crit chance.
Combine a crit build with strong CC and a blink, and Ymir can appear from the shadows of the bushes right on top of you, stun you, and blow you up. He's a great choice at support, solo, and the best jungler.
2. Zeus
Zeus received a big rework for SMITE 2 and it has turned him into a monster. He has a brand new 2 that feels great while clearing waves and scaring off enemy gank attempts.
His 3 has been reworked to no longer remove charges and his ultimate ability hits extremely hard. Zeus can play mid or ADC and is a top tier pick for either role.
3. Neith
Neith is one of SMITE's quintessential beginner Gods. She's one of the most simple and basic Gods in the game and one of the first one HiRez wants new players to try out.
It would make sense given her purpose, that her balancing would be strong at the beginning of a new game. Neith is powerful enough to play essentially any role and do fine in that role. She can build for auto attacks or abilities and has a strong ability to constantly CC enemies with her root.
Her ultimate is also always useful for sniping enemies across the map and forcing the other team to play around their HP bars even more than they obviously have to normally.
4. Fenrir
Fenrir is another God that has remained iconic throughout SMITE's history. In SMITE 2 he has received a rework to his 3 and been given better built in sustain. He deals good damage, has a strong ultimate, and can be flexed easily to either jungle or solo.
Many support players may also be familiar with Fenrir and he can still be played in that way if you know what you're doing. He's a strong choice in almost any composition on the alpha.
5. Bellona
The cover girl of the main SMITE promotional images, Bellona is the perfect warrior character. A sword and shield (plus some other weapons), a rallying cry, she is the perfect tanky warrior character.
Design wise, Bellona is virtually unchanged and untouched in SMITE 2, showcasing how simple and perfect her original design was. She's always scaled amazingly off crit and with crit being as powerful as it is in SMITE 2, she hits hard, like really hard. She still has good wave clear to keep the wave pushed out as well. Good God, good pick.